Heating & Cooling Contractor For AC, Heat Pump, & Furnace Repair For Greater Lynchburg, Virginia
AC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | LynchburgAC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | LynchburgAC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | Lynchburg
(434) 944-2218
9 am - 5 pm
Greater Lynchburg, Virginia
AC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | LynchburgAC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | LynchburgAC Repair | Heating & Air Contractor | Lynchburg
About Us

I began in the HVAC industry at the age of 16 as a warehouse attendant for a large HVAC company and moved to the position of an installation helper the following year. By the time I was 19 years old, I was running my own crew. At 20, I started in commercial service and stayed there until starting my own business in 1988. Throughout my career, I have stayed current with training in an ever-changing industry.

Overall, I have been serving homeowners and businesses for over 45 years. Having been dedicated to the HVAC industry and blessed with a strong mechanical aptitude and a relentless commitment to quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction, to this day, I enjoy interacting with my customers, and helping to educate, inform, and resolve their HVAC issues.

Atkinson Heating and Air are growing steadily, one satisfied, loyal customer at a time. Each customer receives my personal attention from the very first phone call to the completion of the work to ensure comfort and the most efficient operation of the equipment. But, more importantly, complete customer satisfaction!

Licenses & Insurances

Professional Achievements & Certifications:

– Commonwealth of Virginia Four-Year Apprenticeship Program in HVAC
– Virginia State Master Mechanical and Master Gas Fitters License
– NATE (North American Training Excellence) Certification
– Carrier heat pump school
– Refrigeration Service Engineers Society heat pump
– Mitsubishi Mr. Slim certification
– Mitsubishi City Multi-Design Level 1
– HAVTECH Active Chilled Beams, Infusers, and Induction Units
– HAVTECH Outdoor Air Conditioning and Dehumidification
– Ferris State University refrigerant and management (CFC Certification)
– Andover Energy Management Systems

– Lucent Technologies Lineage 2000 Power Plant Training
– Northern Technologies power quality symposium
– Northern Technologies grounding
– O. Associates grounding on electric distributions systems
– O. Associates grounding applications
– Generac Generators Factory Training
– Kolher Generators Factory Training
– John Deere Diesel Engine Factory Training
– OSHA 10 Workplace Safety and Health Training
– OSHA 29 Confined Space Entry Training


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